
Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Thomas Family- Week 3

Making Do

Weekly Update Written by: Kori

That morning while Nicholas and I were at school, Grandma tied the knot with Mr. Kirman. I'm glad that Grandma got married. She'll be happier and if she is happy with it, I'm happy with it.

They then made use of the double bed again. I think they secretly wish they were young enough to still have kids, though I know they are aware we aren't financially stable enough for another kid to be in the house.

Grampa Kane was more than willing to help out with the household chores. At least he isn't like some people who think that cleaning the bathroom is below them.

Whenever one of us tops our careers, we immediately switch to another career. The bonuses that are required by law to be given out when someone gets a promotion, are just too appealing to pass up.

It was my turn to make lunch today as we have to skill and be ready for work, so we take turns doing required work based on skills gotten and how close each of us are to getting promoted. This house works on maximizing time spent doing things to help us get promoted and the aquisition of money, since we don't have much of it.

That night was a sad night. Grampa Kane passed away. We were all sad in losing a relative, but it will also hurt us financially. We have lost a pay check with Grampa Kane's death. We will, however, make do with what we are given, which is what we all have been doing.

The next day was Saturday. I greeted neighborhood teen and classmate Natalie Hall as she was walking by. It was cold, I was sure she wanted to come inside and warm up before she continued on to whereever it was she was going.

Here is the house after the week was done. There wasn't much change done, but we had some upgrading of furniture.

[I missed the picture of Aimee's death.]

Week 3 Progress:
-Number of Sims: 2
-Age Range: Elder to teen
-Net Worth: §21,847
-Cash: §2,482
-Kori's skills: 3/2/1/1/2/4/2
-Nicholas's skills: 3/2/2/2/3/2/2
-Kori's job: Emergency Medical Technician
-Nicholas's job: Multiregional Sim of Some Question

The Roberts Family- Week 3

A Series of Bad Events

Weekly Update Written by: Christy

As you recall, we had a fire at the end of the last round, so Gainell spent the first bit of this round cleaning up from the fire and the water the sprinkler puts out.

While Gainell was doing that, I decided to try and teach Ame how to walk. She isn't taking on very quick, but I know she will eventually get the hang of it and know how to walk.

As soon as Gainell had finished cleaning up the mess from the fire, Leah began to cook breakfast for us. She will make a fine mother some day, if she settles down.

I honestly hope the strays stop digging up my yard. I really hate having to fill in the holes they leave behind. Luckily, the grass here grows really fast so the evidence of strays digging holes in the yard is gone quickly.

While I was filling in the holes, Gainell proceded to teach Ame to talk. I hope she takes to talking quicker than she took to walking.

[Something in the house was making things make an odd flashing thing so I was removing and changing CC in the house. That's why Ame's hair is different and there is a different flooring. It is also why they decreased in money this round as they had a lot of CC stuff.]

That night, Gainell's mother scared Tara. I honestly hope she calms down some before she scares someone to death.

Ame grew up into a pretty child. Ironically, she grew into the blue version of the dress that Tara was in.

It snowed so much today, the kids got a snow day. All three kids were happy to get the snow day. Gainell and I had to go for work so we told Leah and Tara to keep an eye on Ame.

Ame decided to help around the house on her free day by taking out the trash without anyone telling her to, according to Leah.

Ame then decided to make a snow man.

[I didn't have the Seasons patch yet as it wasn't out yet. Let's just say the time to take the trash out + build a snowman = social worker warning, which before the patch, = social worker coming]

By the time she got inside she was frost bitten.

[As social worker coming like 2 seconds after the warning is glitch, I did everything in my power to stop that. There are no pictures as I was too freaked out to take any ^_^]

Luckily, she was able to warm up quick and apparently, frost bite here doesn't stay very long if you get warmed up.

[I don't know what I did, but when the van left the lot, she appeared inside in her outerwear. I was able to complete the week with her on the lot, however the next week, I had to boolprop her back onto the lot]

[Both Christy and Gainell got social worker took child memories, so they will not be able to adopt.]

The next day, the kids had school and Leah helped Ame with her homework when Ame got home from school. I think she will make a fine mother when she grows up. I just hope she has kids.

One of the neighborhood kids was over, Nathan Hall, I think it was. Nathan was playing with Ame. It's good that she is socializing with other kids her age and not just socializing with her older sisters.

Leah greeted one of the neighborhood teenage girls. Leah told me her name was Elise Kirkman. Those two started chatting and became friends.

That night, a burglar came and attempted to steal from us. Luckily, well unluckily for the burglar, we have a burglar alarm that will go off as soon as she steps into the house.

A cop got here pretty quickly and the two began to fight. I really hope the cop wins. The burglar really needs to be arrested for public safety.

Unfortunately, the burglar beat the cop and she got away.

The cop was apologizing to us, but Leah was more focused on Gainell's mother who decided to scare Leah at that moment.

This is what the house looks like now, at the end of the week. We still can't afford to have separate rooms for each of us, but we are working on it.

Week 3 Progress:
-Number of Sims: 5
-Age Range: adult to child
-Net Worth: §28,160
-Cash: §3,695
-Gainell's skills: 4/5/5/7/0/0/2
-Christy's skills: 6/4/3/5/2/6/4
-Leah's skills: 3/1/1/0/0/0/1
-Tara's skills: 2/1/1/0/4/0/1
-Ameshisuto's skills: 0/0/1/0/3/0/0
-Gainell's job: Senior Officer
-Christy's job: Counter Intelligence

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Adams Family- Week 2

Just Another Week

Weekly Update Written By: Ginny

Father invited Ms. Hall over as Mike and I got on the bus to go to school. They were engaged, so I had a feeling Father was going to ask if she wanted to move in. She did agree to move in, though she was going to have her daughter Natalie stay at the house as she was headed to University within the week.

Later that day before Mike and I got home, Father proposed marriage to Ms. Hall. Ms. Hall agreed and she became my step-mother. Father took her last name as per rules and regulations here in Prosperity Heights.

Father is a good dad to my half brother Nathan. Nathan is so cute! I'm glad Father is truly happy again.

Father began to teach Nathan how to walk. I'm glad Nathan gets to grow up with a mother and a father.

I aged into a teenager today. I decided that I wanted to be popular. Maybe then I will have a successful marriage to someone.

Grandfather helped out with Nathan. I think they enjoy having another little kid running around the place. Keeps the house interesting.

Even though Father is trying very hard to get to the top of the adventurer career track in Prosperity Heights and is dealing with Nathan at the same time, he still finds time to pillow fight with Mike or with me.

Nathan is so cute! I now understand how Father felt when Mike and when I was a toddler.

Father calls Natalie pretty much every night. I think he feels slightly bad that she had to stay there to hold the furniture there instead of moving here. He also is making sure that she doesn't need anything.

Tonight was Nathan's birthday. He grew into a good outfit, thankfully. Father and Ann don't feel like spending money on unnecessary things if they don't absolutely have to. I don't blame them at all.

The next day, Gramps died of old age. We were all devastated. We were torn though, Father was at work. Part of us said call him and tell him and part of us said wait until he gets home to tell him. We decided to wait and tell him when he got home. Father was devasted as well when he got home.

Father and Ann soon began to try for a second child. I think they are secretly hoping for a female child.

Here is what the house looks like after the second week here in Prosperity Heights.

Week 2 Progress:
-Number of Sims: 6
-Age Range: elder to child
-Net Worth: §37,560
-Cash: §755
-Kim's skills: 5/0/1/0/1/0/2
-Jon's skills: 1/2/2/5/0/0/1
-Ann's skills: 3/1/0/4/5/1/4
-Mike's skills: 3/2/0/0/1/0/1
-Ginny's skills: 3/2/0/0/1/0/1
-Nathan's skills: 1/2/2/0/5/0/0
-Kim's job: Substitute Teacher
-Jon's job: Relic Liberator
-Ann's job: Desk Sergeant

Sorry for the delay in posting this, I just haven't felt like blogging.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The Hall Family- Week 2

Unexpected Joy

Weekly Update Written By: Natalie

Mother invited over Jon again today. She is falling head over heals for Jon. I hope she doesn't get pregnant before she gets married. I'd hate for Jon to abandon Mother because she is pregnant.

I could tell that Jon and Mother were madly in love. I know that they will probably end up marrying. I just hope it is before they have a child together rather than after.

That night was my birthday. I grew up and had a pretty good outfit to wear. It was an outfit that my mom wore when she was a teen and had kept. I decided that I was going to seek the knowledge to be smart and have a good job so that when I am a mother I can provide for my daughter like mine did for me.

I decided that the first thing I would do as a teenager was help out Mother by fixing dinner. I enjoy learning how long things take to cook and what not.

Jon was over again. They went out to the car to discuss grown up things in the car. I looked out of the door at one point and saw that they were doing more than just talking.

Mother complained of nausea the next day. I was sure the birth control had failed. She told me that she had had some of the stuff at the pot luck lunch at the station the day before and that something there must have been bad.

However when she started showing shortly afterwards, we both knew she was pregnant again.

Mother invited Jon over the next day. She told him she was pregnant and that the birth control must have failed. Jon wasn't the happiest person in the world about it, but I knew he was pleased to know that he was going to be a father again.

I guess Mother didn't want to raise her unborn child alone like she did me as she soon proposed engagement to Jon. I think she wanted to make sure that the unborn child had more of a childhood than I did. I'm glad she is doing this as I will be able to go to college instead of helping her raise the child.

One of the other teens in the neighborhood came over that afternoon. His name is Patrick Kirkman. As we talked that day and got to know each other, we found out that we had a lot in common. I hope he comes around again.

A few days later, Mother went into labor. I really hope she isn't having twins. We are living alone right now. I'm not sure Mother and I can handle two infants and make it through the day.

Mother gave birth to a healthy baby boy. His name is Nathan Hall.

Jon came over shortly afterwards to meet his third child and second son. I can tell why Mother decided to propose engagement. Jon's a caring father. He is willing to help pay for college even though there is no blood ties between us. He says it is because I am his step-daughter to be and that it was his responsibility to help me.

Nathan was soon a toddler. He's handsome. He also got a good outfit as Jon helped out and gave us the money we needed to get him a good outfit.

[Nathan's personality: 2/10/9/10/3, Sagittarius]

Mother alternated between teaching Nathan to walk, talk, and to use the potty. I also helped her some, but she told me that doing good in school was to be my priority and not helping out with Nathan.

Monday has come and this is what the house looks like after adding a nursery to it.

Week 2 Progress:
-Number of Sims: 3
-Age range: adult to toddler
-Net Worth: $22,046
-Cash: $5,917
-Ann's skills: 2/1/0/4/5/1/2
-Natalie's skills: 2/2/0/0/7/0/1
-Nathan's skills: 0/0/0/0/0/0/0
-Ann's job: Detective